Hi This is my blog to keep you updated about my travels. Now where am I? Well I have found my way back from Borneo, amazing what sat nav can do now and I am now attempting to get from one end to the other, of what is the question!
Barbs's Big Bike RIde
This year I have decided to stay and enjoy an English Spring. It has been a long time coming but at last it is here and I am off to explore my own back yard. Well actually travelling up the UK mainland as far north as possible before 21st June and see how close I can get to the Midnight Sun.
After my travels along the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain last September on my trusty old iron donkey, I have bought a lighter bike in the hope that I can get up a few more hills and by going from Lands End to John o Groats (LEJOG) I can avoid the killing headwinds of the Spanish meseta.
So here she is, we had a jolly naming ceremony on Saturday and hopefully the good friends, food and weather I enjoyed will carry me through to the farthest northern climes. Thank you all for a great send off, admirably topped off with one too many pints The Village Bike listening to Mojo Triangle.
And she is called Eleanor, isn't she beautiful, I hope I still have such tender feelings after 6 hours in the saddle, but probably only in the nether regions I fear.
The map link on the right will show a rough itinerary and route and I will try try to update with my actual route, if I can work out how and where I am as I go along, you know there will be little correlation but I will get there or somewhere in the end!
If you want an email update, submit your address in the box also on right and hopefully it will find its way through the ether to you.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
The final African post... for now....
I spent a few days on Buggala Island, part Ssesse islands on Lake victoria. Ostensably to avoid having to go to Kampala. Another interesting journey comprising of crowded coach, complete with chicken pecking at my feet for 4 hours. Followed by a boda boda to minibus for ferry, this with two large bags and rucksack. The driver was very young and small and I was a little fearful he could hold it steady on the rough track, but they are so strong these little guys. Then to the ferry, to find that some one needed to get a spare part from Masaka from which we had all arrived an hour earlier, very crushed and my knee permatly locked, onto to the ferry for the most amazing African sunset (I will be adding phots to this blog when I get back) back onto the minibus, when my knee finally gave way and I had to insist on a seat where I could try to keep it straight. not easy on a 14 seater bus with 20+ and assorted animals and bags of maize etc. I expected I would get a taxi to my hotel, but no, it was very dark and no taxis and so another overloaded boda boda ride into to night all the while unable to properly bend my knee!.
The island is very quiet, no internet, no phone at least until I bought yet another sim card, and few visitors, I was the only one at my hotel on my final night. It is so peaceful and the birdlife amazing. I managed to rest up and even get on a forest walk, until bitten almost to death. Mother nature also provided the most terrific thunder and lightening storm with bits of tree and lumps of ice flying about.
I arrived in Entebbe and decided to brave Kampala for final shopping and to join the hash. For some one who has been avoiding capital cities because of chaos, traffic, noise and pollution; this might seem contrary, but I guess true to form. It was a hilarious run around the rush hour of the Parliament area, and as I hadn't managed to do any sort of city tour, it ticked most of the boxes. I suffered 3 down down, as a visitor; not having an appropriate song to sing: and the final one from my shoe, as infact it was a sandal and so mostly poured down me. I had an interesting return trip through the Kapmpala night; drunk (much better on a boda boda) smelling of beer and managed to pick up another young admirer on the bus, who insisted on walking me home, even as I explained yet again I am old enough to be his mother; luckily we arrived at the hostel just as he was getting on to the subject of sexual healing..... I am not sure the return trip from Cambridge hash will be so eventful, but at least I didn't miss the last train.
East Africa has afforded me to most wonderful array of experiences which I will take some time to assimilate and organise. I know I will want to return, it has got under my skin, as I was warned. I have so much enjoyed my travels but I know I will need a purpose for my return too. So my final day will be spent researching the solar and renewable energies, which may shed some light (argh, couldn't resist)
Looking forward to a direct catch up with you all soon
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Was it a Crocodile?
I trekked out to Bujugali falls where much of the white water rafting takes placed and watched the local throw themselves down, attached to plastic jerry cans, or in kayaks. I decided to take a trek down river towards a new dam being constructed, which will dramatically change this area shortly but provide much needed power to the country. As usual I set off in the general direction, relatively easy as the mighty Nile on one side and construction site visible ahead. I managed to get with in about 1 km when I ran out of path and as it is so large, visibility too when I decided to turn back and as usual managed to loose the return path, at one point leading me to a 5 m sheer drop with only a tree to hang on to to break my fall and then I got too close to the river and into the reeds, when I saw a large tail slither towards the water and heard a loud plop. Initially I thought wow that was a large otter, but then began thinking was a crocodile, or even snake, so I made a rapid retrace of tracks and got back to some sort of track, eventually I got back to the falls; although not without having to negotiate my way around a local fishermen's drinking/ganja den by having to climb over their boats.
I visited the school my friends are now working in, I helped in classes of more than 100 and the largest is 167 students, all squeezed into a fairly normal sized class room. What is amazing is that good quality, by local standards and even some UK schools, was taking place. Students hardly have access to writing space to make notes or be able to see the board they do not have many text books so every thing has to be laboriously copied down. They are quiet and attentive and will continue to work unsupervised to get tasks finished. All of this whilst learning is English as a second language. It certainly underscores one of my major frustration in my work with recalcitrant young people in Huntingdonshire. Give them all a week in one of these schools and a week in the shamba and I am sure they will begin to appreciate the opportunities they have been given.
I am now back in Ruhanga at my original project. It has grown enormously in terms of the numbers of volunteers. Not surprisingly as the university holidays have started. We were up to 24 this week. It has highlighted my previous concerns about lack of organisation to cope with this growth; but hopefully meetings between the directors will acknowledge this and changes will be made. There have been meetings with the School Committee and Community Board Organisation, to enable them to takeover the community and volunteer projects which should ensure better use of funding, donations, resources and volunteers within the greater community. Also that the community can determine what projects they need and can use and so lead to greater ownership and sustainability.
I am also catching up with some of the many friends I have made here. They are so pleased to see me return and it will be even harder to leave this time. So a big thank you to all: the lodge staff, Denis, James, Gerald, Robert, Didas, Resty, Justine, Beth, Sarah, Mode, Rove, for looking after me so well; Volunteers, too many to list, you know who you are; School staff Jamir, Alinda, Merril, Eunice, Kedrine and co; George,Gertrude and family, Craft ladies, Jennifer and co; Solar Sisters; CBO and PTA Levi; Osbert and family and of course all the children and students of Ruhanga and Team college and everyone who has made me so welcome I hope to return.
Monday, 6 June 2011
At Last I see the Mountain
I arrived in Nanyuki to again be looked after in the rain until met by my friend Patrick, who I had met with his wife in Ruhanga. He is a guide and they have a tour company here (see link above right, I cannot recommend more highly) and are looking to start a volunteer programme here so I was keen to discuss all that I have learnt.
Nanyuki is a garrison town, with training bases from Kenyan military and police as well as British army, right on the Equator, I got my certificate and the water really did spin in opposite directions at either side; and the base of Mount Kenya. Patrick assured my I would see it. It was good to get a hot shower and a Tuna sandwich as well as the odd beer or two.
So early next morning we set off for a trek to the first hut. There is a track up to this point but not a road so I was fascinated to see a motor cycle pass us, carrying several trays of eggs, along what looked liked a dried up, boulder strewn river bed. When we arrived at the hut I had to shake his hand as he had managed to deliver them with only one or two breakages.
And yes I got fabulous views before the cloud came in again; It is a truly beautiful place and I do not think I have ever been anywhere so quiet, even in Maasailand I was under a flight path for Niarobi. There was little wind and no mechanical sound at all. So still except for bird song. We got to around 3500m high enough to see the giant lobelia and tree heathers. Looking back across the plain, I could see acres and acres of polytunnels (and in the town some of the most beautiful roses ever, this is where those tescos are grown, but they are a poor relation to the ones here). I was glad that I hadn't signed up for the full 5 day trek to the top, the altitude and my general lack of fitness would have made it very hard, but it has made me determined to come back and do it; so yes I will be cycling and walking around Cambs with those weight strapped to every available appendage again.
A highlight of my visit was to the school that Patrick and Naomi want to assist with volunteers. It is called Melbon School and so I think it appropriate to try to link with it, not least because it is led by an inspirational principle; Pauline. She had me teaching an English class with in an hour of arrival and Science after that. The students are sooo keen to learn and just suck in any information you give them. I have a list of those who want e pen pals in the UK so I will be looking for willing 12 to 15 year olds when I get back. They also had me singing and dancing with them in the afternoon, all well before beer o'clock! It will be a great base for a volunteering/voluntourism project. As, although it is a small private school, Pauline tries to support as many poorer bright children from the community to give them the best chance at a quality eduction to enable then to go on to secondary school and university. And she succeeds, as it is a very high performing school which also gives a good all round learning experience with very few resources.
I would have loved to have stayed longer but had promised to return to Ruhanga before I return to UK so it was with much regret that I left Kenya, particularly Patrick and his family and friends.
The journey in and out of Niarobi again was interesting. All roads in and out are subject to construction, but non of this namby pamby coning and closing of section for this work, the traffic just finds any route through, around, under, over; at one point around 12 lanes (difficult to tell in these random conditions) had to constrict to 2 to go over half built bridge, it being the only way forward. But there was no road rage or very little horn exercise, there is some form of rule but certainly not obvious to a muzungo like me.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Moving on from Masailand
I have been given my Maasai name; Napishai which means happy person, and a Maasi blanket as well as a lovely thank you letter and certificate at a little ceremony this afternoon. The people here at MEAC, see link, have been so welcoming and are so keen to help them selves to improve there lives of the Maasai people. I have been helping in a school, giving lessons on HIV/Aids, Solar power and renewable energy and safe disposal of batteries, not easy when there is no rubbish collection. I have also been meeting with womes' groups and how they are helping themselves by forming savings groupsand making and selling theri bead work etc.
It has been a truley enlightening experience, to live a very simple life if only for a short period of time, and not as basic as many deeper into Masailand. We ran out of tank water, which meant finding deisel for the generator to pump from the borehole a couple of kms away, we took the fuel to the man who pumps, opening 6 valves buried under various stones and bushes on the way; Jackson who I was accompanying had been part of the team who installed the pipe a year or so ago, and so knew how to find them, I hope he doesn't leave cos there is no way of mapping them in the bush! When we got the pump man's house, he was away,so another days wait. Then the generator neededto be fixed, then the valve had to be fixed, not surprising as they are all just buried in the earth with no protection from dust, grit, being dug up by animals or just stepped on and bent!
All in all more than a week of carry ing water from the dam for general use, very brown and murky; or from a neighbours tank for cooking, rain catchment. I am now the expert at the 2litre shower, washing hair, body and underwear; I thought I was pretty good in Uganda, but this is a whole new level particularly when its only every other day or so and I am pretty filthy from the dust and the wood smoke from the fire; and the water is murky brown to start with.
This is the end of the rainy season, and I have only heard one short shower, which barley settled thedust, it is very dusty and dry now so I am not sure how bad it will get before the next rains. The people here consume so little because they have so little, but I think they are paying a much heavier price of global warming than those of us in the west who are enjoying the benefits of our capilatist, consumer culture. I understand there is a drought in E Anglia now, but sure as eggs is eggs, the rain will come around june 22nd,when I return and I will not moan about the british summer, well for at least a week!
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Quick blog from Masailand
The day consists of milking cattle, taking them out to graze, along with the goats, feeding the chickens, growing crops mainly maize, cooking, and cleaning, very time consuming over a fire and heating water too; collecting fire wood and water, etc etc. There is no machinery, just everyone knowing what is to be done, cooperating and getting on with it.
Visits to the loo are interesting, across the cow yard, with or with out cows blocking the gate to the next compound and across another paddock, to the pit latrine, which is fine; but I have now been told not to go on my own after dark!, but have been given a more convenient place behind the house for a 'short call' .
My family are always cheerful, caring and considerate. The children are a delight; for all the hardship they are some of the most cheerful and relaxed people I have met, even those family members working in town with all amenities prefore being on the shamba as it is more relaxing. I think 'modern life' will means something different to ma after this experience.
Hopefully this is a quick flavour of where I am. I hope to blog more when I have more time. This is my one visit to town, in the back of a pick up truck and I must meet with my volnterr coordinator and buy my essentials of water and loo roll before I have to get another matutu to get back
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Spectacular Serengeti and Ngreat Ngorogoro Safari
I continued my 3 day trek to the end of the Usambara Mountains, through many villages, to Mtea in order to see Kilimanjaro, but it was not to be the fog was down and it was much like any other lake district view point, as cold too. I had a great time getting there and stumbled upon a traditional medicine ritual to expel ghosts from a young man, it consisted of him being dunked in a pool below the biggest waterfall of the mountains, being yelled at and sprayed with water, burnt herbs and the blood of a decapitated chicken. It was then the turn of a 4 month old baby, although she was only dunked in the water and sprayed. When I asked how the ghosts manifested themselves, it sounded like a description of stress or depression, triedness, anger, agitation etc. Perhaps we should try this instead of valium!
I decided to move onto Moshi in search of Kili and literally bumped into Susana who I had volunteered with and she works in Windermere, and so had a fun day catching up and going to Marangu base camp on Kili, but again, shrouded in mist and not to be seen.
She did persuade me that I needed to go on safari, this being the low, rainy season, it was easy to arrange but I was concerned that it would be wet and wouldn't see much.
Sure enough it poured and the cloud was down all the way to the rim of Ngorogoro but as we descended the weather cleared and the view of the plain was spectacular. It is so vast and the air so clear you can see for ever. As we continued we came across the Masai and their herds of cattle, goat and donkeys interspersed with herds of zebra antelope, gazelle and the odd Giraffe, quite odd. We eventually entered the Serengeti National park, in which there is no farming or herding and were priveledged to see the migrating herds of wildebeest with zebra; they apparently lead the migration with their superior sense of small and intellect to remember and find the right pastures; accompanied by antelope gazelle and buffalo. There were 100 of 1000's if not millions, as far as the eye can see, and that is a long way here.
We saw cheetah, a lioness so close we could almost touch her, monkeys, fabulously plumaged birds. Our camp for the night was visited by mongoose, hyena and baboon, who made off with one of my companions food. In the morning we visited a hippo pool, pre-dawn (which was stupendous all you would expect of an African dawn) as they were returning from their nights foraging, they are silent and solitary on land but social and noisy in water. The smell of the pool was about 100 times worst than a slurry pit and looked it. You would think they would relieve themselves before they returned but no they seemed to take great pride in doing so as they got back, spraying the community in the process by spinning their tails like a fan. They seemed to be having fun laughing a lot very noisily.
We also managed to see a leopard in a tree with her kill of a gazelle, apparently she had lost her cub, during the hunt to a hyena and so was still scanning the savannah for it.
We moved on to Ngorogoro, which magically appeared just as we began our ascent to camp at the rim, here we were joined by water buffalo which are very big and can be very aggressive, it does wonders for your nocturnal bladder control. The crater was amazing, teeming with wildlife, although it is the rainy season, much of it appeared quite dry. We saw a lion with his kill and again he walked right by us so we could see his bloody mouth, I also managed to see flamingos, which I had missed at Lake Mbeya; And then we actually managed to complete the big 5 by spotting 2 white rhino, quite far away but still so big. I am glad I was persuaded to go and I think even better in the low season as there were few others around only about 4 or 5 other vehicles where as in high season it is just a constant stream of 4x4's on the routes.
As we left our driver persuaded us to visit another museum, which we were rather reluctant to do as we were more interested in the animals, but when we got there it was where the Leakeys had done their work on the early hominids, it was really interesting, we just hadn't appreciated how close we were to the site.
So finally back to Arusha and onto Niarobi for my twoweeks volunteering with the Masia. I am really excited now I have seem some of their culture on the trip through the Serengeti. They are obviously a powerfully strong cultural group as they maintain their traditional tribal villages and dress. They are stand out on the plains for miles and really stride out and cover great distance even as I watched them.
It is sad to leave Tanzania. I have met somwe truly wonderful people and the country is so varied and dramatic, again it is hard to leave.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
Ah Zanzibar
Stone town well deserves is world heritage site status. It is a real working town but still retains the atmosphere of a intermingling of many cultures and trade. The guest house where I stayed had a very happy chappie making the breakfast, singing all the way through to the point that his colleague serving, closed the kitchen door on him, when I asked why he was so happy, he said it was because he was going to give his first public performance on the violin that night as he had just reached grade I. Coincidently, I visted the old customs house now renovated and turned into a cultural centre and noticed that the Dhow Countries Music academy was giving its monthly concert that evening, so I went and sure enough he was there with the beginners, but it was nothing like the beginners recitals at Meldreth! It was a great fun local cultural evening.
Did I mention a previous local event I stumbled upon in Dar es Salaam and the Tribal Village museum. It was an amazingly talented troop of young performers, starting with drum, then singing dancing and circus acrobatics. In the middle of which they staged a mini childrens' african dancing competition. It reminded me of my times with Liz, at Helen and Megan's competitions, even the babies were grinding. The leader of the troop insisted I went to meet all the members and would not let me leave until the end, so another night taxi ride!
And then on to the beach, it is all that I expected. The snorkeling was stunning. Although it is now the low season and there was rain most days and some cloud, it made for welcome relief and enabled me to get some serious beach walking in, a young guide kept joining me so we ha a real hoot walking and swimming as we kept getting caught by the tides. We had a great walk to an island but then again got caught by the tide and I ended up shredding my feet on the urchins and the rocks. Not so sensible as I left for the Usambara Mountains the next day.
Another epic in its self. I had spent an extra couple of days on the beach as I had hoped to get a boat to Pemba, but it was not to be so I took a local dhow back to the main land. For someone who is not good on boats; I get sea sick when snorkeling; this again might not have been the best decision. We all got on, straight from the beach. All the women and children got into the bottomof the boat, I decided to sit on the side, and so I could focus furiously on the horizon. I was quite proud to be the only female not to be sick during the three hour journey, luckily there were plenty of buckets. Their received wisdom is that it is better not to be able to see, I think I prefer mine. The boats are fairly small and are wind powered, I am glad for the experience but probably won't do it again.
I am now back on the mainland and in radio contact, up in the Usambara Mountains, which are beautiful. I have found myself another guide and have just returned from a trek where I felt positively cold when we reached the top. I needed a blanket last night too,it was wonderful after the humidity of the coast. I seem to have fallen in with another community project too and so will spend and extra day or too finding out how things work here.
The Tanzanian people are just so warm, friendly and welcoming, it is hard to move on as planned, but hakuna matata, I am just going with the flow
Dar es Salaam
Dar is hot and humid at this time of year, the slightest effort, leaves you running, if only, for the shower and the fan. It was very quiet during my stay due to the easter holidays and National day. It is a vibrant mix of cultures and good fun to be in; I managed another night out, hooking up with a couple of other traveller to visit possible the best view across the harbour; very sophiticated and I hadn't even washed my feet, let alone change into the LBD which of course I always carry! luckily it was too dark to notoice.
But the call to Zanzibar is strong, and have treated me self to first class airconditioned seat.
Friday, 22 April 2011
and on to Tanzania
I had always wanted to 'do' Africa on public transport, so I set off on a smallish bus to the border at Rusumo Falls. As it was Rwandan it was quite comfortable and only one person to a seat. We approached the border where I had to walk over the bridge across the falls, quite spectacular; sorry I can't put in the photos. Then the long trudge up the hill to the Tanzanian border, there was a Scottish truck waiting there. Much hotter as it is lower and then on to another moto taxi to the nearest town ( I am quite the biker chick now). I had expected at least a bank but no, so a little short of money, changing what ever currency I had, strangely $ and sterling are quite low rates here. I managed to negotiate a bus to Mwanza on Lake Victoria, for early next morning and a room/cell, holey net, no air or electricity, although did eventually find some water. Nothing else to do but get some food and watch the world go buy. Beneko is a former refugee camp and now a truckers stop to the border, very wild west as every one came in for the rum and brandy, some with rifles. I had to give up and leave for my cell to avoid the drunks, a long dark night with slow reading to make the book last.
My bus set off earlier, unusual in Africa, but the man I had bought my ticket from came to get me and settled me on, I was very down cast to see it was small and I had to spend 8 hours on it! No breakfast or water we set off. After a couple of hours, when there were at least twice as many passengers as seats and a cockrel, I was told to get on another bigger, although more ramshackle bus, Yippee I thought and celebrated with bananas and water, however we left the tarmac and had three more hours of bone shaking until we regained the tarmac, at least I had the comfort of a large man with a rifle sitting next to me. It seemed very poor compared to Rwanda and even Uganda although much more sparsely populated; it was a wonderful African sunrise over the acacia trees and scrub I expected to see Simba and friends at aany moment, sadly all I saw were a very few cows and goats.
About three hours later I could see Lake Victoria so was looking forward to finding somewhere comfortable to sit and eat when it became apparent our destination was across a bay. The scrum for the tickets, should earn me a place with the Lions or even the All Blacks. I emerged with a ticket and both rucksacks almost in tacked, will be finding gaffer tape later. What was most comforting about this journey was that I was handed over from one transport to the next, no common language but caring and curteous all the same.
I was heading to Mwanza, for a bank and to get a bus to Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar, I was somewhat perturbed to see the buses for Dar going in the opposite direction. I think the lesson for to day is more research and available cash. So I am off to the bus station to negotiate my next 12 hour journey.
Kigali Rwanda
It is a totally bewildering and beautiful place. It is almost european in looks, set upon many hills. There are few road names or adresses, interesting when you are trying to get to your accomodation on a moto taxi, but every thing is located by landmark as you can see for miles across the hills. The roads and landscapes are very well maintained, better than London, and it is clean and green and in the middle of a building frenzy. I hadn't appreciated that I had arrived in the genocide remembrance period which appears to last from 7th April for 100 days.
I set off to visit the Nyamata and Ntamara genocide memorials, two churches south of kigali. I caught a local mini bus and got talking with a young agricultural student who was on his way to visit his family at Ntmara. He very kindly, got me a bicylce and showed me the way.
It is the site of a massacre of hundreds, maybe thousands, of people who had gathered in the local church for safety, they were all killed with hand grenade, machete and what ever else was available. The church and associated buildings have been preserved, including the clothing and books of the victims. Many remains are still there awaiting burial in mass graves still being prepared by the government. It is a peaceful site. I later learned that a young lawyer I had met at my lodgings, was infact a survivor of this massacre, he was a baby and asleep and found underneath his parents. My guide's family was also affected by the genocide.
I returned to Kigali and met another student, when asking for direction, as there are no road signs he kindly showed my the way again, we took shelter from the rain in a cafe. We talked of many things, studies, politics, love, hopes for the future, music; he is another hip hop artist, and in fact knew the artist I had met on the lake, very spooky. It wasn't until we got on to families that it emerged that he too lost both his parents in the genocide and was responsible for his three brothers.
What is amazing is that all these young men that I spoke with did not define themselves by this trauma, but by their present, which is working and studying hard to provide a safe and secure future for their families and their country. They showed no anger or hate, although sadness in the loss of parents and family and the struggle to provide and education; but talked of love and trust in others and their country.
My accommodation was with Solace Ministries which provides anti-retroviral drugs and support for widows and orphans. I met an engineer who is looking to provide small scale clean water systems and solar power. He asked me to accompany him to some of the projects, one of which was at Ntamara. Also a technical school specialising in solar technology supported by a german charity. It has inspired me to consider going back to my technical roots and perhaps look at how to package and provide this technology in these poor rural communities, it should be transferable throughout the world, so more travelling opportunities for me. Even in Rwanda promoting renewable energy is controlled my the multinationals. However there are great opportunities in the provision of simple small scale solutions, which can be maintained and controlled directly by the users who have little access to the grid or fossil fuels.
I also visited the national memorial centre in Kigali, which is so moving, they are still constructing the mass graves for those remains that are still being found. Again there were many floral tributes from the families of those buried there, It is a testimony to hope that this never happens again. I hope that Rwanda's forward thinking approached with respect for the past and as western aid reduces as it must; the people have regained the strength and dignity to ensure this is the case for this beautiful place.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Hello From Rwanda
At Kisoro I had to take a boda boda to the border, down a dirt track road, with magnificent views of the virunga volcanoes. Sorry there are no photos as I have not brought the camera connection with me.
It was strange to just walk across a land border, but very easy, with minimal fuss at either side. I was then into francophome Africa and into a minibus on the other side of the road.
Rwanda is very beautiful and very safe due in part to a high military presence and a huge amount of external aid. It is much better developed and I think less corrupt than Uganda.
The roads are well built and maintained; not too much overcrowding in the minibus and an almost european feel to the towns. The rural areas seem to be much better off too. My hotel had a plat du jour, three courses for apprx 5 pounds and a steaming hot shower and flushing loos every where.
I have just spent a pleasent day chilling by Lake Kivu, with yet more famous Rwandan musicians; a rap group call Tough Gang; who are also artists and I shall try to visit their gallery in Kigali when I get there tomorrow. That is another striking impression of the country, there is a much greater level of craftsmanship, artistry and general imagination. It is difficult to believe that from such a tragic recent history the people are so warm, happy and creative. I hope that once the external funding for reconstruction, diminishes as it should; the purpose and peace of the population can be sustained.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Leaving Ruhanga…for now
Monday, 11 April 2011
Nakivale Refugee Settlement
On entering the camp we were shown to the commandant’s office and greeted by one of the assistants. As we had not made an appointment or got the relevant letter from the office in Mbarara, we were not expected and so could not see specific areas. We were asked to which group we wanted out donations to go and had we had previously informed of our choice we would have been able to give directly. We agreed that the donation should be to vulnerable women and children at their discretion. The asst commandants would not give specific information on numbers of refugees as we did not have clearance. We were then allowed to tour the area on foot, and were guided by some residents. The camp is divided into national areas, and we were mainly in the Congolese and Ethiopian areas. Some of those we met had been there for 5, 8 and 16 years as a result of various conflicts.
We returned to the bus after about an hour, and were given the option of taking the ‘short cut’ home!
We then had to get back to the road; this was not a 4x4 we were in, expert driving by Nicolas and continued on the dirt track, we were then informed we were looking across in to
James, and the rest of us were a little concerned about where we were so Nicolas passed over a bank note, upon which was the map of Uganda that seemed to be our guide! We boneshakingly continued, until we came to a halt, to check, something under the front wheel, it was then a very slow drive to Ntungamo to the gorge, where they fixed the breaks.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Murchison Falls
Friday, 1 April 2011
New Venture, Help Needed
Further to my previous post on out ‘African Evening’ we have had an enthusiastic response to setting up a water skiing school.
The consequence of all this activity is that there are many deep pits by the road and indeed right up to the boundary of
If you feel you can support this venture, please donate using the above links, we are particularly looking for a cable system rather than boat as well as skis and boards.
I may have published this a little prematurely, british time, but you get my drift..
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Ruhanga Beaders
Some of you will be aware of the Meldreth Beaders (or possibly not unless you are on thread!) and it was an aim of mine to create a twin here in