Barbs's Big Bike RIde

This year I have decided to stay and enjoy an English Spring. It has been a long time coming but at last it is here and I am off to explore my own back yard. Well actually travelling up the UK mainland as far north as possible before 21st June and see how close I can get to the Midnight Sun.

After my travels along the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain last September on my trusty old iron donkey, I have bought a lighter bike in the hope that I can get up a few more hills and by going from Lands End to John o Groats (LEJOG) I can avoid the killing headwinds of the Spanish meseta.

So here she is, we had a jolly naming ceremony on Saturday and hopefully the good friends, food and weather I enjoyed will carry me through to the farthest northern climes. Thank you all for a great send off, admirably topped off with one too many pints The Village Bike listening to Mojo Triangle.

And she is called Eleanor, isn't she beautiful, I hope I still have such tender feelings after 6 hours in the saddle, but probably only in the nether regions I fear.

The map link on the right will show a rough itinerary and route and I will try try to update with my actual route, if I can work out how and where I am as I go along, you know there will be little correlation but I will get there or somewhere in the end!

If you want an email update, submit your address in the box also on right and hopefully it will find its way through the ether to you.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Murchison Falls

 These are supposed to be the most spectacular falls in West Africa, so anticipation was high.

We decided to go with the Red Chilli Company, which has a rest lodge in Kampala. We had a fairly uneventful if long and bumpy bus ride in to the capital, just as dusk was falling, we had to walk a little way to exchange money etc, however it was the most terrifying experience so far, it is just a chaotic mingling of people, stalls, bicycles, taxis and huge coaches all vying for every square inch of space, there is little definition of road, pavement etc. At one point there was a huge coach trying to leave the bus park, across which there was a row of boda boda (motor cycles) through which pedestrians were crossing and across which the normal traffic was crawling along.  The coach decided it was time to leave and just kept ploughing through, albeit very slowly, the boda bodas were trying to scramble away, leaving the pedestrians (that was me) to be pushed into the flow of other traffic, I just held on to the boda until I could see a gap to get out.   

The rest house even though it was still in Kampala it was very quiet, it has flushing toilets and hot showers, the best.  We joined a disparate group of other travellers, which is always fun and set off for the north.  It takes the best part of a day to get there and we were grateful for a really comfortable camp, with proper beds, we were warned not to keep food in our tents as both the warthogs and hippos have a sweet tooth or two.  The camp was founded by a British ex diplomat, Steve Willis, who was killed in 2005 whilst helping a marooned raft, by the LRA, the company still provides funds to support water projects etc for the local community.  It is strange to think that such terrible conflict was waged in this beautiful area so recently, from which both the human and animal populations are still recovering.

The tour consisted of early morning game drive, with a dawn crossing of the Nile.  

We were fortunate to see lions, including one female with a kill, elephant, many waterbuck and other antelope, hippos and my particular reason to have this safari, giraffe they are so graceful, the last one we saw leaving the park appeared to have a broken leg.  I also saw a one eared antelope, and other limping badly, I guess these are the survivors, for the time being anyway.

In the afternoon, we took river trip 17 km up to the falls, we had seen the foam generated by the turbulence even as we got on the boat, the river is so wide here, wider than Lake Albert in places, even now at the beginning of the rainy season when it is at it’s lowest.

We saw more elephant, swimming this time; hundreds of hippos and some 3m crocs.  We eventually approached the falls and were able to climb out on to a rock to get a more central view, they are tremendous, 6000l/s through a 6m gap.  We couldn’t get too close because of the turbulence generated.  

We had a gentle cruise back and I thought it appropriate to have a Nile Special on the Nile.

The next morning we went on a walk to the top of the falls, we could hear them even as we arrived, as we got closer I could feel it in my chest.  I am not sure the photos do it justice I have video which is better but can’t upload it until I find a broad band connection.  

It was definitely the highlight of the trip although seeing all the game in their natural habitat was fantastic too.


  1. I sounds amazing what an experience love Mum

  2. Beautiful pictures. I can't quite get my head round the thought of seeing 'hundreds of hippos' - my imagination can't move further than a couple of sad-looking ones at the zoo! Amazing! The description of your experience of traffic, etc. in Kampala makes the 8.55 car journey up Queen's Road in Cambridge, against the student cyclists coming the other way, pale into insignificance - and that scares me enough!

  3. Hi Barbara I expect you are wondering where I have been. I have been busy with work and village stuff. There appears to be a lot going on here in April and May but nothing like the lovely pictures you have sent back.I really loved the pictures of the beaders and all the bush photos. it was really interesting about the school as well. I sent Nina the link to your blog too. The traffic sounds amazing although we are off to India tomorrow and should see some traffic in Delhi. There will hopefully be the beauty of the Taj Mahal which will make up for it. We all look forward to seeing you in July and will need a whole day to catch up. Take care I will email again after we are back. Love Joan x

  4. It sounds very exciting and you are looking fantastic :)
