Barbs's Big Bike RIde

This year I have decided to stay and enjoy an English Spring. It has been a long time coming but at last it is here and I am off to explore my own back yard. Well actually travelling up the UK mainland as far north as possible before 21st June and see how close I can get to the Midnight Sun.

After my travels along the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain last September on my trusty old iron donkey, I have bought a lighter bike in the hope that I can get up a few more hills and by going from Lands End to John o Groats (LEJOG) I can avoid the killing headwinds of the Spanish meseta.

So here she is, we had a jolly naming ceremony on Saturday and hopefully the good friends, food and weather I enjoyed will carry me through to the farthest northern climes. Thank you all for a great send off, admirably topped off with one too many pints The Village Bike listening to Mojo Triangle.

And she is called Eleanor, isn't she beautiful, I hope I still have such tender feelings after 6 hours in the saddle, but probably only in the nether regions I fear.

The map link on the right will show a rough itinerary and route and I will try try to update with my actual route, if I can work out how and where I am as I go along, you know there will be little correlation but I will get there or somewhere in the end!

If you want an email update, submit your address in the box also on right and hopefully it will find its way through the ether to you.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Back on track

Another gorgeous morning, the Nevis range looked sublime.  There can have been few better days to climb but my experience of how the weather can change in 24 hours has shown me that I do not have the right kit to attempt it.  I may be down to bear shorts (basically my cycling undershorts if you need that detail) and shirt, I know I will need more than my three other divested layers and walking shoes if I got to the top.
So I set off back up Glen Nevis to find my way to the Great Glen.  Only a short day in prospect which was just as well as it turned out to be mostly off road, not Eleanor's natural environment but she rose to the occasion womanfully.  The great glen way follows the Caledonian canal starting with Neptune staircase, one for you Joan and Tim, I am not sure how many locks but it was hard work cycling up passed them.  I managed to get on the wrong side again but a couple of helpful chappies pointed out a tunnel I could get through to the other side, I guess it is obvious that rivers, animals etc have to cross canals but it never occurred to me that there would be tunnels.
The canal path was relatively smooth but progress was impaired by multiple stops to take photos if the magnifiscent  Nevis range.
I continued  with a slight deviation for lunch to loch arkaig and a snooze by the waterfall.
The forest trail beside loch lochy (not sure why no one claimed this one, it was as good as the rest perhaps they had run out of of names) was beautiful with the coconutty smell of gorse, and fresh cut pine, lots if cuckoos calling and beaches you could dream of in the Caribbean.  The track beside loch oich really was an oich and poor Eleanor was really out of her depth,  the sight of the road kill was almost too much.  I have no idea how this no eye deer met its end, there were no signs of injury apart from lack of eyes which I assume was due to the crows. Maybe it just blindly fell off the cliff. At least we wouldn't starve if we couldn't make it back on track, any recipe ideas Hugh?
I finally arrive at my first independent hostel and it really is very civilised with a double bed and ensuite all for $21
It was great to have the time to enjoy the scenery. Have a siesta in the sun and enjoy some very slow off road.  I think 40 miles per day is my ideal.

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