Barbs's Big Bike RIde

This year I have decided to stay and enjoy an English Spring. It has been a long time coming but at last it is here and I am off to explore my own back yard. Well actually travelling up the UK mainland as far north as possible before 21st June and see how close I can get to the Midnight Sun.

After my travels along the Camino de Santiago across northern Spain last September on my trusty old iron donkey, I have bought a lighter bike in the hope that I can get up a few more hills and by going from Lands End to John o Groats (LEJOG) I can avoid the killing headwinds of the Spanish meseta.

So here she is, we had a jolly naming ceremony on Saturday and hopefully the good friends, food and weather I enjoyed will carry me through to the farthest northern climes. Thank you all for a great send off, admirably topped off with one too many pints The Village Bike listening to Mojo Triangle.

And she is called Eleanor, isn't she beautiful, I hope I still have such tender feelings after 6 hours in the saddle, but probably only in the nether regions I fear.

The map link on the right will show a rough itinerary and route and I will try try to update with my actual route, if I can work out how and where I am as I go along, you know there will be little correlation but I will get there or somewhere in the end!

If you want an email update, submit your address in the box also on right and hopefully it will find its way through the ether to you.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Sukau River Criuse; betrayal of last years Valentine

I returned to base non too anaemic to find we had many visitors; Daniel, the Ecoteer founder and his new assistant Charmaine, along with a Danish family, friends of Tobin the Humana director. It was great to have a little euro conversation. So it was straight off for a river cruise along the Kinabatangan River which is a reserve and wildlife corridor through the plantations. It is about 10 km away from the plantation and we all boarded the school bus to get there.
I am currently working with Hutan which is part of Kintabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project, see link on the left, who are bringing an exhibition to the schools here and we hope to visit with the older students to do some conservation work with them.
The river is the second longest in Malaysia and this reserve only one of two, home to 8 different species of primates.
Yes you have guessed it we did see another Orangutan, but again not very photogenic it was busy making a nest in the tree and all we could really see was an occasional long orange arm reaching out for another branch, apparently they make up to three nests a day and we could see many along the river bank trees.
We saw macaques too, performing startling acrobatics as though trying to get a better look at us!

The area is also famed for 
its bird life variety and I managed to photograph 2 varieties of hornbill, one of which is called the rhinoceros hornbill for obvious reasons.

We were really privileged to see 5 elephants having their afternoon bath, this is how I prefer to see my elephants, during day light and the other side of a river.

But here is my new Valentine, I think we are well matched, the Proboscis Monkey. One of the things small children are fascinated with me is the size of my nose, they always want to touch it, perhaps they think I have strayed from the jungle, but at least here I have met my match.

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